Friday, April 14, 2006

Hi Happy Good Friday.

The Farm Family show will not show today. Instead you will have a show called Inside Diamond's Life . On Dollhouse T.V channel 322. Inside Dimond's Life Will appear every Friday That channel 322 is on. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Inside Diamond's life oh yeah yeah!

Diamond is 12 years old and loves to help others and jazz dance. Matter of fact her best friend's name is Jazz. She lives in Dolin, Momimom. She is the youngest of five and is liked almost by everyone almost. The End for today.

Who doesn't like Diamond? Find out next Friday that channel 322 Dollhouse T.V is on.

The crazy object B

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Da Da Dat

This is the farm family show. Join the Watson and Johnsin family too.
Today we join the Watson Family.

Hi, My name is Wilma and I play the oldest kid in the Watson family Sally. Today on the show we had a Earthquake and at the very end the country next to us came over the line that makes the border . And... To be contineued in a few weeks.

The Crazy Object B.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Saturday, March 8, 2006

Da Da Dat This is the farm family show . Join the Watson family and the Johnsin family too. Let's see what they did today.

Today we join the Johnsin family.

Sara today after doing all her other jobs helps Grandma and/or Grandpa (sometimes mom or dad ) Teach home school to who ever has home school today. They are Jackie and Jordan, Leslie, Brandon, Amber,Chrisy, Destinee, Isabella,and Elisabeth. From the guest house Polly,Dot, and Kelly. Sara has Jackie, Jordan,Amber, Chrisy, Destinee, and Polly. Gramdma has the other little ones Grampa the other older ones. She says for homework that they must do a list of things they enjoy then put it on a poster then present it to the class.


Do you think what she assined is good for homework yes or no? If so tell what you would say for it.

match each person to what Their tittle will be . ( It's okay if you get some wrong you don't know much about them yet.)
Jackie A. My life and what I like.
Jordan B. Chrisy's life .
Amber C. My Name starts with J . ( Very interesting titles huh.)
Chrisy D. Don't call me Jack.
Destinee E. I'm Named after Grandma Des.
Polly F. Life In the Guest House.

The Crazy Object B SYAS ( See You All Soon)

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