Monday, June 26, 2006

Come on people !

Only two people that sucks! Come on this is a really good chance to get your blog name in a story maybe as the main charecter even! The scores are Loirs minute 61/2 Betty 7 so far read people. Remember don't copy others answers if you don't comment in 3-5 days then ancwer after the dead line of three day I will debate if I should count them after five they will not count .
Q1.Is there more than 4 dogs? ( SA)
Q2.What was the show on Fridays called?(SA)
Q3. What was the qusetoin I was supose to answer on the next time on the show on Friday?(Sa hard)
Sorry have no spell check today try your best if something is miss Spelled
The crazy Object B.


Blogger B.R.L said...

I there were 5 dogs
2Diamond's Life
3Who doesn't like Diamond?

3:39 PM  
Blogger Lori's Minute said...

I believe it is four or more
The Johnsin's
The name of the new family.

8:09 PM  
Blogger plinna said...

4or5 or more
Inside Diamond's Life
Who doesn't like Diamond?

10:24 PM  

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