Monday, January 15, 2007

Sick again again again

I'm sick again tomorrow I have a musical addition +gym but I have to go tomorrow see last blog for other things.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

J.c points

I f you missed yesterdays check it .

if you are going to miss j.c points and sometime want them back after a break comment here as a list to j.c points or as you comment put :) if you want me to start my own teacob points. I will tell you what that means if you put a :)


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Saturday January,13,2007


8:30 the cakes in the oven the hot chocolate is microwave now the present thought ,thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought and thought till finally she got an idea"I will make her a candy necklace . So she made a candy necklace .

9:00 Her mom wakes up and Julie leaves a not on the counter and rushes to her doll house . Then she forgot about the cake and Hot chocolate so she rushed to check it the cake was pitch black and it started as a white cake hot chocolate was warm and not hot.

9:02 her mom comes and rings the door bell Julie goes to answer trying to hide her tears her mom is a mom a new she was sad and asked why Julie was crying she told her about the cake and the hot chocolate but her mom looked at the table and saw the pretty card and the candy necklace and said"oh honey the food doesn't matter all that matter is the effort.

the end

moral to the story: If you accidentally burn moms birthday cake don't worry even if its her favorite just have a present ready don't cry over spilled milk.


Friday, January 12, 2007

Farm show Friday,January 12,2006

DA DA Dat Farm family show .

ITS BEEN a while since I last bloged about the farm family show so I will just blog about a family
that lives in the neighborhood

8:00 Starts the day first Julie the fourth child age 6 got up first and remembers something about this day its her mothers Birthday! Since its a Friday and a snow day she figures she has 1 hour to make a card,cake and a present she made a card and got a mess everywhere so she had to clean it up.

8:15 she realizes she must speed up and make a cake but how ? She thought and thought and then finally rush quietly yet fast to her play house. " I can invite mom over and she can have the card, cake and present at my doll house(yes each daughter had a Doll house in the play room like a little neighborhood.) I'll make the cake in my easy bake oven! But what about the drinks ?In the microwave I'll make hot chocolate .

8:30 to be continued tommrow