Saturday, September 16, 2006

What did you say I have?

I will keep you informed on my health since you guys care so much!
I am sorry but with school I can barely blog my regular stories but when I have a chance to blog on breaks and summer I will probably be bloging every day again. I am sorry about spelling.

yesterday I went to the walk in clinic My health is as good as a bug with no wings or legs. I have ashma (I don't even know how to spell it!) i think it is the of the worst kind of ashma I have two Ihalers I have to use three times a day now a special nose spray only use once in morning and clareitin once a day . I can barely sleep more than three hours without waking up . The doctor said she thought I was one happy child for being so sick she just kept going and going about the wheezing and how bad it was I didn't realize how bad it was till I tried to go to sleep. Lets hope I can sleep tonight least it is not a cold but allergies and ashma.



Blogger Lori's Minute said...

I am glad we found out what it is and now hopefully the medicine will work! Getting the nose clear will help a lot.

Love, Mom

5:37 PM  
Blogger B.R.L said...

I am so sorry you have a condition that makes it so hard to breath. Hope that medicine takes hold soon.

Got your Christmas list. It is nice to have it on my Email so I can check it when I go shopping.

I know it is still early ,but have you thought of what you are wearing for Halloween?

3:28 PM  
Blogger Dr.John said...

I feel so bad about your health. The stuff that is in your inhalers is the stuff that grandpa has to take every morning and night for his breathing. I am sure the medicine will help.

9:13 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

i have asthma too hon. i too use 2 inhalers. it might be overwhelming so my best advice is to stay calm. stress stirrs it up i have noticed..glad that they are keeping a good eye on you. glad that you are still happy throught it all. don't worry, you can have a full life with it. we just have to be extra careful. once it's under control again, you will be able to sleep through the night..sometimes they need a neubalizer..exactly like the puffers but in a machine that helps get the medicine in deeper..don't be scared, i will be alright. hugs.

6:29 AM  

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